
21 February 2007

Ashes & hammer blows by Chris

Every Ash Wednesday for the past 24 years, Catholic Peace Action, Pax Christi and other groups have organised a Christian liturgy of repentance at the Ministry of Defence (MoD) building in Whitehall focusing on nuclear weapons. We try to get along as often as we can. This year I had the privilege of lugging the sound system around. Several people marked the building with blessed ash and charcoal. About 60 people attended and although there was warning from the police at non-compliance with SOCPA, nobody was arrested.

Part of the liturgy involved various people nailing 21 Theses written by Philip Berrigan
on the church and nuclear weapons to a large wooden cross. I couldn't watch as I was holding the sound system but the sound of the hammer blows on the wooden cross drifting across a quiet Whitehall was haunting and very, very moving.

Later, I represented Fellowship of Reconciliation as we handed in a petition at 10 Downing Street. Although we had an appointment we were delayed as a Palestinian delegation was being received. Hopefully some good plans were being laid.


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